There are many attractions for starting a business in China, such as low manufacturing costs, plentiful infrastructure, billions of potential customers, and a fast-paced and vibrant working environment where there is plenty of money to be made.
The most popular and beneficial company type that foreign businesses open to take advantage of this amazing market and economy is a 'Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise," but now you will most likely be wondering: "OK, but how much does it cost to open a WFOE in China, and what are the benefits?"
Buckle up as we answer these questions in this blog post...
So You're Thinking Of Starting A Business In China?
Of course, foreign companies can't just waltz into China and set up shop. They need to register a legitimate company, and by far the most popular company type for foreign businesses today is the 'Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise,' or WFOE for short.
But what makes this kind of company so special, and if it is indeed the correct company type for you, why choose it?
What Is A WFOE?
The 'Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise'
(commonly named a WOFE as an alternative acronym) is a limited company which allows
foreign businesses to run a company in China which:
- Is legal
- Can hire & fire both foreign and local staff
- Is independent with no need for local partners or Chinese meddling
- Can invoice in CNY
- Can provide customers official invoices (fapiao)
- Is able to transfer profits outside of China in USD
- Has more control over valuable Intellectual Property
- Retains ALL profits
Times have moved on, and now foreigners are permitted to set up a company where they have absolute control. Of course, they must still pay tax and social insurance payments as these are a normal obligation to the Chinese government that every company has, but beyond that they answer to no one.
What's YOUR Ideal Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise?
This company type gives autonomy in China, but anyone who has been here will tell you that China loves its pigeon-holes, and it's no different in the case of this company type.
There are typically three categories that
foreign companies' new China outfit will fit into:
- Manufacturing
- Trading
- Consulting (service)
For instance, a manufacturer who also offered QC consulting on a limited basis besides their main work of manufacturing products could well find that this would be accepted by local authorities with no change required to their business.
Were you to decide to change your business's main thrust of work entirely however, you'd need to re-apply for your WFOE all over again.
How Much Does It Cost To Open A WFOE In China?

So you've decided that this kind of company sounds perfect for starting a business in China. Great!
Now let's tackle the important question, that of setup costs.
There are 2 cost centres when it comes to opening your WOFE.
- Setup costs
- Registered capital
Setup Costs
You essentially have 4 options , and how deep your pockets are and, more importantly, how well you value having a good job done that will create you a company with good standing in China, will dictate which you choose.1. International Law Firm
Large international law firms offer a premium business incorporation service.You can expect 5* service, bilingual staff offering all kinds of languages, and total professionalism.
The job will be done properly and to the letter including helping you find an office, as these large firms have been around for many years and are well versed in setting up companies in all areas of China.
Their costs can be high, costing as much as around RMB100,000 for each company that you wish to incorporate in China. While this covers everything, the high cost makes it prohibitive for many SMEs whose budget doesn't stretch to this level of cost.
It can also be that their representatives aren't as 'hands-on' as a smaller firm's would be, meaning that you aren't as in the loop due to the sheer amount of clients they're handling at any one time. Some people prefer to be close to their project, and so in this case they may not enjoy the separation.
2. Mid-Size Local China Business Services Provider
This is where TCBC Business Services is located, as we're a typical example of a mid-size local Chinese business services provider who has been around for a decade or longer.Their role is to offer the same services as the international law firms, but at much more affordable prices, catering to everyone from SMEs up to global companies looking to set up a branch.
You should expect good service, hands-on representatives, and good local experience which helps them to speak to the right people in the right offices and decrease incorporation times. They can also easily help you to find an office in which to base your company.
Whereas we cover Shenzhen, Guangdong province's PRD's other cities, and Hong Kong, there are other similar companies in other parts of China who offer similar services for their areas.
Typically setting up a WOFE in China with this size of firm will cost around RMB10-20,000.
Unlike large international firms, these companies really care about and need your business, and so are liable to make a big effort to please the clients at every turn.
Languages other than English may not be offered.
The high level of professionalism offered by the international law firms probably won't be as stringently followed, but by Chinese standards it should be good.
3. Sole Trading China Business 'Expert'
Often staff who have worked for a mid-size firm in China will decide that they are going to go it alone.Some of these people are very capable of giving a decent service as they have been in the industry for a long time.
Typically they'd try to offer the bargain basement prices for company setup, around RMB10,000 or less.
There is no guarantee that you will get good service as relying on one individual is always risky.
What you are sold may not be the facts. They may say that they can set up your kind of company, but it may be that they have never done this before and make mistakes during the incorporation period costing you time, money, and good standing with the local government of the city you wish to operate in.
May not have much ability to help you locate a suitable office.
They will often be swamped with work and are not able to give you the attention that you deserve.
4. DIY
You can always set up your own WOFE in China, that's no secret.This is probably the lowest cost option, and would come in at under RMB10,000.
The process is going to be a nightmare for 99% of foreign companies due to:
- It being completely in Chinese
- The need to enter into dialogue with local government officials
- Copious amounts of paperwork
- No assistance being given by the authorities, leaving much guesswork for the uninitiated
- Confusion about where to go to submit various paperwork, as there are several government offices involved
- You needing to find your own office and negotiate its contract with the local landlord
Do you need to pay international prices to set up your company? Certainly not. But when you start looking for the cheapest option you will soon find that what sounded like a bargain at the time will cost more later.
At the end of the day you get what you pay for, and by cutting corners on something as important as setting up your company correctly, you may well cause yourself unnecessary stress, delays to starting doing business in China, additional costs to re-submit and re-apply for certain steps in the process, and lose good standing with the local authorities who require things to be done correctly.
Registered Capital
On we go to the second cost centre for foreign companies aiming to open a company in China: Registered capital.It's not in China's interest to let foreign businesses open a company if they aren't sure that there is capital in place to keep it running, create jobs, and pay staff on time. This is why the government usually insist on an amount of registered capital being committed to any new WOFE incorporation.
Depending on which industry you're in, you're likely to be required to provide the following registered capital levels:
- Manufacturing: 500,000RMB
- Trading: 300,000RMB
- Consulting: 100,000RMB
Also in certain areas of China the local governments don't insist on any registered capital at all in a move which is meant to level the playing field between foreign companies and their local counterparts who don't have to provide it. The thinking behind this is that it may spur more job creation by encouraging ever more foreign companies to set up businesses in China, even smaller ones.
Rounding Up The Costs

Foreign companies could pay as much as RMB100,000 to set up their WOFE if they use an international law firm, but this is seriously overkill for most organisations!
Typically you can have your WOFE set up by a professional outfit for around RMB10-20,000, and this will get you speed, security, and excellent local knowledge. You'll also be aware of just how much registered capital you will need to put in from the start too as they will know your local area's requirements.
Cutting corners and trying to save a meagre RMB5,000 or so here and there is likely to cause far more stress and hassle than it's worth to make that small saving, as there is actually too much local knowledge and huge amounts of paperwork and bureaucracy necessary for this process to make it worth your while.
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